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Wednesday August 21 ~ מיטוואך פרשת עקב

8:00 PM ~ 1:00 AM

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GOLD – $500 

Access to all Spa rooms & Luxurious Gourmet Cuisine 



PLATINUM – $1,000

 Access to all Spa rooms & Luxurious Gourmet Cuisine & Cocktail Lounge Private Jet Massage, Valet Parking. 

VIP early access at 8 PM – 1 AM


DIAMOND $1,500

 Access to all Spa rooms & Luxurious Gourmet Cuisine & Cocktail Lounge and Wine tastings, Plus a full body massage and access to the private executive lounge for corporate sponsors and diamond members only (availability of the Diamond package is limited to 30 people only) VIP Valet Parking.  

Private Cabana – Platinum groups of 10-12


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$ 1.00
100 available

The Continental

75 Rutledge St ,
Brooklyn, NY 11249 United States